Liubomir L. Lissitchkov

We want to make friends with our clients, so we are happy to answer your questions.
Birmingham, West Midlands
Phone: +44 (0) 747 538 81 56

We are located in the western part of the city.

Web Series - Director of Photography
Director, DOP, Project management
DOP and Editor
Create documentaries, commercials, or music videos with us. Cover the event. Dream of a short film. In the immediate future.
contact: +1 777 000 0000 / email / facebook
Main directions
  • Corporate videos
    Need a beautiful video presentation? We can make a script, arrange props, and film in your office or in a studio over one or two days.
  • Explainers
    We can shoot and design an explainer video, which is an online marketing video that talks about a service or a product of yours. It can explain a process, a concept, or a product and its features.
  • Event videos
    Hosting an event you would like to commemorate or turn into a marketing tool? We can produce a video for any kind of event, no matter its goal.
Photo credits: Liubomir Lissitchkov
Icon credits: David Courey, Marieva Cunha, retinaicon, Ruben Semedo
Video credits: Liubomir Lissitchkov
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